when you bath put something like oillatum in your bath water it will help mostrise your skin and is designed for people with eczema and dry skin
Palmer’s cocoa butter formula worked for me. you are so lucky to only have it on your feet and hands i have eczema covering my body. good luck hope you find something that works for you
By eating healthily (including fruits and/or vegetables at every meal and getting the right amount of nutrients and protein), your skin should start to clear up a bit. It not only helps eczema, but also with pimple breakouts, hives, and any other skin problem.So it’s not necessarily the weight loss that will help it, but eating healthy will help with both the skin problems and the weight problems.Good luck~ {A} ~
Skin cremes are good, but eczema is caused by your diet so try expeiremtning with your diet cuz you are probably allergic to a cetain type of food or even fruit. too much fruit can build up acid in your body so it like crawls out of your skin and thats what eczema is.
I’d just pop into Victoria’s Secret They have lots of cover-ups and dresses for the beach.Also remember that sun will remove the eczema
so tanning is your best friend. I know because I myself have quite fun with spots all over my back and chest but it disappeared after 2 days of tanning in my garden
my nice has the same condition, inn the summer it seems to get worst, the doctor gave her a cream called Elide and let me tell you it cost me a hunder bucks, but its the best thing they have on the market today, ,good luck hope i was some help