Help I have a Rash on my body, What can I do? A home Remedy?

I have a rash on my stomach,arms and hips. I have changed my soaps,detergents. Please is there something that is a home remedy for someone and worked.

Avoid touching the trigger.
Washing with soap and cool water can remove or inactivate most of the offending substance, if it is done immediately after exposure.
If blistering develops, cold moist compresses applied for 30 minutes 3 times a day are helpful.
Calamine lotion and cool oatmeal baths may relieve itching.
Oral antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, Ben-Allergin) can also relieve itching.
Do not apply antihistamine lotions to the skin, because you may have an allergic contact dermatitis from the lotion itself.
For mild cases that cover a relatively small area, hydrocortisone cream in nonprescription strength may be sufficient.
If your rash does not improve or continues to spread after a couple of days of self-care, call your health care provider.
If the itching is severe and you cannot see your health care provider that day, go to a hospital emergency department.
Good Luck!