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Baby eczema?
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Baby eczema
Eczema shows up as red, itchy patches on your little one's skin. Doctors call it atopic dermatitis, and it's quite common in babies and young children.
These dry, scaly patches love to appear in certain spots - chubby cheeks, behind tiny ears, in elbow creases, and at the back of knees. You'll notice your baby getting fussy and trying to scratch, especially during bedtime.
The frustrating bit? Eczema comes and goes as it pleases. Your baby's skin might be perfectly fine one day, then those red patches pop up the next. It often runs in families, particularly where there's a history of allergies or asthma.
Simple things can set off an eczema flare-up. Think bubble baths, scratchy clothes, or getting too warm during playtime. Even certain foods might make it worse - eggs and cow's milk are common triggers.
Here's what helps:
- Slather on fragrance-free moisturiser several times a day
- Keep baths quick and warm (not hot)
- Dress your baby in soft cotton clothes
- Cut those tiny fingernails short
- Pop on cotton mittens at night to stop scratching
Ring your GP if your baby seems really uncomfortable or if you spot any weeping or crusty patches - that might mean an infection. Your doctor can prescribe special creams to calm the inflammation.
Managing eczema takes patience. You'll become a bit of a detective, working out what triggers those flare-ups in your baby. Some days will be tougher than others, but you'll get better at spotting the early warning signs.
The whole family feels the impact of disturbed nights and constant skincare routines. Be kind to yourself - you're doing a brilliant job looking after your little one's sensitive skin. If you need support, your health visitor or GP is there to help.